SLA/LSO Meeting Monday, April 19, 2010 6:00pm

1.Call to Order – 6:10pm by Danielle Walker
2.Roll Call – students present: Tim Vande Zande, 1st semester, interested in special libraries & digital archiving. Robert Talbert, SLA president, looking for officers. Kristen Cure, interested in public libraries. Diana Olivares, LSO Faculty/Student Liaison. Sarah, treasurer, interested in academic libraries. Danielle Walker, LSO president, academic or federal libraries. Nieve is interested in academic, maybe public libraries. Shawna Thompson, interested in public libraries, preferably tribal libraries in a consulting capacity.
3.LSO President’s Report – Social: Fundraiser at Bumsted’s. Prizes! Bring $. Percentage Night. LSO is donating 3 t-shirts & 1 membership. SLA is donating a flash drive, calculator/alarm clock.
4.SLA President’s Report – Hire Me Workshop on 2 days, 2 parts, 2 sites. A resume and an interview component. April 28th at 6pm (a conflict). Possibly May 5th for Interview portion? Food costs? Diana is willing to pick up some items from Costco & asking for reimbursement. Some items left from AzLA event. Robert will talk to Sandy about a time of 6pm.
5.Treasurer’s Report – Sarah: Sunrise Silkscreen says 50 shirt minimum order per design. Prices depend on color of shirt, number of colors in the design. Darker colors are higher. Bigger sizes cost more. Two week turnaround. Balance for LSO: $2,213.99. Sarah will look for a lighter color for “SIRLS GONE WILD” for a lower price.

6.Old Business
1.SLA status – renewed through ASUA but no new officers.
2.Networking site for ASUA can be joined. 5 people needed. Orgsync is a requirement. Calendar is what Robert feels would be an advantage.

New Business: Danielle
1.Semester recap – what worked? Joint events. Waste of efforts for own group to do big events. Share resources. Online notices seem to hurt. Joint socials. More events such as a Welcome Barbeque, Homecoming. Banned Books Week.
2.Other new business – tents? Pretty pricey. We can talk to Leslie about it.
3.Student Symposium – traditionally in the Fall. AzLA will be in November. Maybe move to the symposium to the Spring semester? More likely to get newer students to present in the Spring. Students can practice, then submit papers/posters to AzLA. Bring it up with Brian.
4.AzLA having a push to be active. Groups should keep in touch with them; use them as resources for panels, workshops. Ideas? LSO elections look good. Approve officers now?
5.Surveys show that face-to-face is what students want. Hybrid is next favorite.
9.Calendar – email for transition meeting for the outgoing/incoming LSO officers. Also a call for interest.
10.Adjournment – 7:32 by Danielle Walker

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