Celebrating African-American Librarians and Librarianship: Past, Present, Future

The Student Groups of the School of Information Resources and Library Science
will be hosting this panel discussion on Wednesday, February 24, 2010, at
6:00pm, in honor of Black History Month and the 40th Anniversary of the Black
Caucus of the American Library Association.

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010
Time: 6:00 pm

Main Library Rm 313/314,
1510 E. University Blvd
University of Arizona

Our panelist include:

Dr. Leslie Campbell - Assistant Professor of African American Studies,
University of Arizona

Cynthia Landrum - AzLA President and Adult Services Supervisor/Web Services
Coordinator at the Glendale Public Library

Dr. Cheryl Malone - Associate Professor of Information Resources and Library
Science, University of Arizona

Judy Register - Director of the Neighborhood Resources Division, City of
Chandler and Past-President of AzLA

Links to the audio and video of this event are at: http://lso-sirls.pbworks.com/browse/#view=ViewFolder¶m=African-American%20Librarians

25 January 2010 Joint SLA & LSO meeting

25 January 2010
Joint SLA & LSO meeting
Diana: Fee increase w/Brian. Trying to move forward on tuition break for distance students. Out of state 2nd w/comparable library school tuition.
Robert: some discussion regarding numbers. U of A in middle for instate, 2nd for out of state. SIRLS fees going up, with 15% going to scholarships. $250 instate, $150 out of state. Will be for Fall after Regent approval.
Danielle: all college services asking for more money. Surveying students about services. Discussion including new items in tech center, training for faculty. In d2l,advertising library services, training
Overall possible tuition increases amount to $1200.
Sarah: treas. Reports: $1961 in the treasury.
Danielle: lots of openings for leadership. Special election. Can run for office, nominate self or others. Can send something out, have elections. Put out this weekend, start voting on 8th. Leslie: good on resume. LSO: alumni liaison, fund-raising coordinator, prog coordinator (for prof. dev, mgmt., etc.), but might elim to consolidate, virt. Std liaison,. SLA: fund-raising, event coordinator. How to hand splits for fund-raising?
Dave: $7oo usually in bank, down from $1000 before. Split equally. Assigned roles for each grp.
Robert: Sep. Off. Positions, who can wk together. Discussion. BBW- could work for Fest o’ bks.
Ramona: $ from SIRLS copy box? Can have it go to all 3. Discussion about using credit unions rather than private banks. One even has a bike-thru. Discussion about non-prof, filing of taxes (not).
Danielle: few events coming up to jointly sponsor: King County recruitment (WA) coming in April. Interview schedule, skills assessment, presentation on system up there. Career Fair. Event on careers on Fed. Libs. Online. Resume help (should be really popular). In 1st wk of April. ASIST. Poss event Fri 2/26th. Early Feb: appl. Wkshp~ scholarship deadlines March 1st. Good for people to come in & get help. Post-MLS residencies also. Sandy & others can help. Can open it up to SIRLS applicants & incoming stds.
Danielle: On Feb 20th, REFORMA fundraiser. Wine & Cheese @Special Collections. $20. (tentative)
Daneille: Black History Month: African American Librarianship. Last week in February. Will ask the AzLA president to attend.
Danielle: also revamping grad event to a really nice ceremony w/cap & gown and name called n’ everything. May 14th. More on that later.
More discussion on career fair, Fed. Lib. Career event.
Robert: ARSL brochure (assoc. of rural & small libraries) conference in CO. $10 yr to be a mbr. Mtg in Denver in Oct. Will put on Listserv.
Adjourned at 7:24 pm.