SLA Meeting Minutes – 12/4/09

Attendees: Jacy Bell, Dave Langen, Robert Talbert, YangYang, Danielle Walker, Brenda Taylor, Eric Flohr


SLA annual report has been submitted to the national organization
The end of year party will be Friday, 12/18 at the director’s house after SIRLS graduation.
New Officers: Robert Talbert will be SLA President and Webmaster for Spring 2010, he ran un-opposed and was appointed at the meeting
Winter 504 “dine around” will be 1/3/10, “meet and greet” on 1/4/10
Semester Recap: Tours in Phoenix were successful
Future SLA initiatives:
Keep up with HireMe, and have some programs earlier in the semester. Consider sessions on Job Searching, Resume Writing, and Salary Negotiation training.
Step up fund raising efforts
Establish a Special Libraries Panel
Schedule more tours

Have a good break and see you next semester!
SLA Meeting Minutes – Friday, 11/6

Attendees: Brenda Taylor, Dave Langen, Kyle Willis, Eric Flohr


Ian Finnesey has resigned as webmaster. Robert Talbert will act as interim webmaster for remainder of semester – forward necessary info to him.
Phoenix tour is Saturday, 11/21. Itinerary is AZ Historical Foundation from 11-12, lunch, then the Braille and Talking Books Library. If enough people from Tucson are interested, a van or carpool will be arranged. Please RSVP if you plan to attend.
The annual SLA report is due Nov. 30th. The draft is available for review, so please suggest necessary changes. Names of national members should be included on the report.